Python Concepts

Variable Declaration
A variable that stores data temporarily in Python (e.g., name = 'John').
Data Types
Different types of data in Python (e.g., integers, floats, strings, booleans).
A sequence of characters (e.g., 'Hello, World!').
A whole number (e.g., 5).
A decimal number (e.g., 5.5).
A logical value (e.g., True or False).
Function Definition
Defines a reusable block of code (e.g., def greet():).
Code comments that are ignored by the interpreter (e.g., # This is a comment).
A set of instructions that are executed based on a condition (e.g., if x > 10:).
A set of instructions that are repeatedly executed (e.g., for item in list:).
A function that calls itself (e.g., def factorial(n):).
Object-Oriented Programming
A programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects" that can contain data and methods (e.g., class Car:).
Exception Handling
A mechanism to handle errors in a program (e.g., try/except).
Regular Expressions
A powerful tool for pattern matching and manipulation in text (e.g., import re).
A file containing Python code that can be imported into another file (e.g., import my_module).
Function Definition
Defines a reusable block of code (e.g., def greet():).
Function Call
Executes a function (e.g., greet()).
A conditional statement for decision-making (e.g., if x > 10:...).
A loop to iterate over a sequence (e.g., for item in list:).
A loop that repeats as long as a condition is true (e.g., while x < 10:).
Class Definition
Defines a class blueprint in OOP (e.g., class Car:).
An ordered collection of items (e.g., my_list = [1, 2, 3]).
A collection of key-value pairs (e.g., my_dict = {'key': 'value'}).
An immutable collection of items (e.g., my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)).
A collection of unique items (e.g., my_set = {1, 2, 3}).
Lambda Function
A small anonymous function (e.g., lambda x: x * 2).
Handles exceptions in code (e.g., try: ... except:).
Imports modules or packages (e.g., import math).
Generates a sequence of numbers (e.g., range(1, 10)).
List Comprehension
Creates a new list from an existing one (e.g., [x*2 for x in range(5)]).
Applies a function to all items in an iterable (e.g., map(str, list)).
Applies a function to all items in an iterable and returns a single value (e.g., reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, list)).
List Sorting
Sorts a list in ascending or descending order (e.g., sorted(list)).
List Indexing
Accesses an item in a list by its index (e.g., list[0]).
List Concatenation
Combines two or more lists (e.g., list1 + list2).
List Membership
Checks if an item is in a list (e.g., 1 in list).
List Deletion
Removes an item from a list (e.g., del list[0]).
List Insertion
Adds an item to a list at a specific index (e.g., list.insert(0, 'new item')).
List Updating
Replaces an item in a list (e.g., list[0] = 'new item').
List Comprehension
Creates a new list from an existing one (e.g., [x*2 for x in range(5)]).
List Indexing
Accesses an item in a list by its index (e.g., list[0]).
List Concatenation
Combines two or more lists (e.g., list1 + list2).
List Membership
Checks if an item is in a list (e.g., 1 in list).
Filters elements based on a condition (e.g., filter(lambda x: x > 5, list)).
Global and Local Variables
Scope rules for variables (e.g., global x).
A function that modifies the behavior of another function (e.g., @my_decorator).
A way to derive new classes from existing ones (e.g., class Child(Parent):).
A way to have multiple classes that can behave similarly (e.g., class Animal(object):).
A way to hide the internal details of a class (e.g., class MyClass(object):).
A way to hide the implementation details of a class (e.g., class MyClass(object):).
A way to define a common set of methods and properties (e.g., class MyInterface(object):).
Static Method
A method that does not access any instance variables (e.g., class MyClass(object):).
File Handling
Reading and writing to files (e.g., open('file.txt', 'r')).
List Slicing
Accesses parts of a list (e.g., my_list[1:4]).
List Sorting
Sorts a list in ascending or descending order (e.g., sorted(list)).
Combines elements from multiple iterables (e.g., zip(list1, list2)).
A function that calls itself (e.g., def factorial(n): ...).