<!DOCTYPE html> : Declares the HTML document type (usually HTML5) to the browser.
<html> : The root element of an HTML document; all other elements are nested inside.
<head> : Contains metadata for the document like title, links to stylesheets, and scripts.
<title> : Sets the title of the web page shown on the browser tab.
<body> : Contains all the visible content on the web page, such as text, images, and links. tab.
<h1> : to <h6>: Heading tags, where <h1> is the highest (main heading) and <h6> is the lowest.
<p> : Defines a paragraph of text.
<br> : Inserts a line break within text.
<hr> : Adds a horizontal line for section separation.
<strong> : Highlights important text, often rendered in bold.
<em> : Emphasizes text, usually rendered in italics
<b> :Makes text bold (without semantic meaning).
<i> :Italicizes text (without semantic meaning).
<u> : Underlines text (not commonly used in modern web design).
<mark> : Highlights text with a background color.
<ul> :Creates an unordered (bulleted) list.
<ol> : Createoptionss an ordered (numbered) list.
<li> :Represents each item in a list, used within <ul> and <ol> tags.
<dl> :Defines a description list (often used for terms and definitions).
<dt> : Defines a term in a description list.
<dd> : Defines the description for the term in a description list.
<a href="URL"> : Anchor tag, used to create a hyperlink. The href attribute specifies the link's destination.
<img src="URL" alt="Description"> : Embeds an image on the page. src specifies the image's location, and alt provides a description for accessibility.
<video src="URL" controls> : Embeds a video player. controls enables play, pause, and volume buttons.
<audio src="URL" controls> : Embeds an audio player.
<iframe src="URL"> :Embeds another webpage or video into the current document, often used for embedding YouTube videos.
<table> : Creates a table to display data in rows and columns.
<tr> : Table row, used within <table> to create rows.
<th> : Table header cell, typically bold and centered.
<td> :Table data cell, represents standard cells within a row.
<coption> : Adds a caption to a table, usually displayed at the top.
<form action="URL" method="POST/GET"> : Starts a form that collects user input. action defines where the data will be sent, and method defines how.
<input type="text"> : Basic input field for single-line text.
<input type="email"> : Input field for email addresses, with built-in validation.
<input type="password"> : Input field that hides text for passwords.
<textarea> : Multi-line text input.
<button> : Clickable button, often used for form submission.
<select> : Dropdown list.
<option > :Represents an item in a dropdown list within <select>.
<label> :Defines a label for form elements, linking to them with the for attribute.
<fieldset> : Groups related form elements.
<legend> : Adds a caption for <fieldset>.
<header> :Defines the header section of a page or section.
<footer> : Defines the footer section, often used for copyright, links, and information at the bottom.
<nav> :Used for navigation links, like menus.
<section> : Groups related content, creating logical sections.
<article> : Self-contained content like blog posts or news articles.
<aside> :Side content, often used for ads, sidebars, or related links.
<main> :Represents the main content of the document, unique to the page.
<div> :A generic container for grouping elements, often styled with CSS.
<span> : Inline container for styling a small part of text.
<meta charset="UTF-8"> :Sets the character encoding of the document.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> :Sets viewport for responsive design.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> :Links to an external CSS file.
<script src="script.js"> :Embeds or links an external JavaScript file for interactivity.
<style> :Adds CSS styling directly within the HTML document.
<canvas> : A container for graphics, often used with JavaScript for drawing shapes or animations.
<svg> :Scalable Vector Graphics, allows for embedding vector-based images.
<details> : Creates a disclosure widget that the user can open and close.
<summary> : Provides a summary or title for the <details> element.